Risk-free period for seat changes
The newly introduced Risk-free period for seat changes offers Marketplace Managers greater flexibility by allowing them to define a custom risk-free period for their products. Previously, our platform’s grace period capabilities were only available for new purchases and renewals, but now they extend to seat changes as well.
This enhancement is particularly beneficial for Microsoft products, aligning our platform’s capabilities with those of Microsoft’s Partner Center, which provides a 7-day grace period for customers to revert to a prior quantity. With this feature, Marketplace Managers can enable end customers to confidently manage seat adjustments, reducing administrative overhead and associated risks.
A new field is available in the Product Editor under the Edition > Contract section, allowing Marketplace Managers to set this period for each pricing plan.
Once the period is set, users will have the option to revert to a previous order within the defined risk-free period.
Reverting to a previous order for end customers (Company Admins):
Customers can revert to previous orders during the risk-free period by using the REDUCE button on the Manage Application page.
The REDUCE button appears only if users have past eligible orders. After clicking the REDUCE button, users can select an order that they want to revert to:
The list of eligible orders for rollback is updated dynamically as orders become ineligible. When a revert occurs, the system calculates a prorated credit based on the time of the update and revert. The below image shows an example of the different charges and credits that can occur:
In the example above, if a user initially ordered $10.78 worth of seats and then updated the subscription to $21.55, they would receive a credit for $10.78 for the previous seats (full credit, assuming the update happened the same day). If they later reverted to the last order, they would receive a credit of $21.55, and the system would charge them $10.78 again.
Reverting to a previous order for admin users (Marketplace Managers, SSRs/CSRs)
Similarly, admin users can revert to previous orders on behalf of end customers within the defined risk-free period. This can be done by clicking the REDUCE button in the order dialog, and the revert will follow the same process as described for end customers.
Important Notes
The field Grace period for new purchases and renewals has been renamed Risk-Free Period for new purchases and renewals in this release.
When an edition or pricing plan is updated to include a risk-free period for seat changes, the new setting will only apply new subscriptions. To apply the risk-free period to existing subscriptions, contact your AppDirect technical representative.
Feature enablement
This feature is not enabled by default. Contact your AppDirect technical representative to request it.
Setting enablement
No setting enablement is required.
Refer to Contracts.
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